I had to put Josie to sleep right before Christmas, 2017.  She was my all time favorite.  She had a true sense of humor.  One of those dogs that could never get into trouble as she looked at you with a huge smile!  " I didnt do it - it wasn't me!"  She loved nothing more than being right with us and joining in with whatever we were doing.

Josie was 13.  Up until the end she would initiate tug of war with either Pebbles or Sera.  It has been a tough loss and she will be terribly missed.

Josie produced some very nice and talented puppies for us.  The cute temperament shines through in her puppies!

Hip- OFA GR-91049G24F-PI ELBOW - OFA GR-EL14511F24-PI Eye - CERF GR-30914/2010-74 Heart - OFA GR-CA10545/17F/C-PI

Pretty Head

Josie puppy

One of Josie's pretty and correct puppies. Josie's beautiful head shines through on many of her puppies.

Great Pigment

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Josie enjoying one of our many deep snowfalls this past winter!

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Nithya+ Peter 24.07.2012 16:12

Good friends, great puppies, woonderful companions! We miss both our two legged friends and the four legged fur balls here in Maryland. Good Day to all of you!

Robin 20.07.2012 22:59

Wonderful puppies! Our 1 1/2-year-old Zoe is as beautiful as her mom Josie. She's sweet, smart and loves everyone. Great breeder.
Robin, Annapolis, MD.

Latest comments

26.07 | 18:42

I won't have any puppies until next year at some point.

26.07 | 16:47

HI, Looking for male puppies fall/winter 2022/2023.

08.07 | 21:02

Hi, My family is hoping you might have golden retriever puppies availabl...

03.07 | 12:50

I cannot wait to meet this cutie.